게시판 이용 안내사항 해당 게시판의 상세보기는 로그인 후 이용 가능합니다. fnctId=bbs,fnctNo=17778 RSS 2.0 10 건 게시글 리스트 Ⅰ. 목적 일정기간 피인용도가 탁월한 우수 논문을 선정하여 특별 상금을 지급하고, 대내·외 홍보를 추진하여 연구자의 명예와 부산대학교의 위상을 드높이기 위함 Ⅱ. 수상 대상 및 지급 금액 구 분자격 요건금 액연구자 신청마감일 기준 본교 재직 중인 전임교원논문 1편 2,000 천원논문- SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI, SCOPUS 등재 학술지 게재 논문- 논문피인용수: (이공·의학) 50회 이상, (인·사·예·체) 20회 이상- 최근 3년 간 주저자로 발행된 논문 ※ 교내 연구비 수혜 논문 신청 가능 ※ 개인별 신청 건수 및 지급 한도액 제한 없음 (단, 총 지급 금액이 예산을 초과할 경우, 일괄 감액 또는 조정) Ⅲ. 신청방법 ▶ 신청기간: 연구처에서 공문 공지▶ 제출서류: 신청서, 논문별쇄본 전문 PDF파일, 피인용수 증빙자료, 통장사본, 교수업적평가 계열 증빙자료▶ 제출방법: 단과대학 행정실을 통하여 수행기관(사회과학연구원)으로 공문 제출 2021년도 한마음프라이즈 명예 논문 연번성명계열소속등재학술지발행년도논문명1MOU JIAM인문사회경영학과TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE2021 Consumer behavior in social commerce: Results from a meta-analysis2강상훈인문사회경영학과Global Finance Journal2021 A time-frequency comovement and causality relationship between Bitcoin hashrate and energycommodity markets3강상훈인문사회경영학과International Review of Financial Analysis2021 Spillovers and connectedness between major precious metals and major currency markets: The role of frequency factor4강상훈인문사회경영학과Resources Policy2021 Volatility spillovers between strategic commodity futures and stock markets and portfolio implications: Evidence from developed and emerging economies5강상훈인문사회경영학과Energy Economics2021 Asymmetric spillover and network connectedness between crude oil, gold, and Chinese sector stock markets6칸다사미 프라바카르이공, 의학전기공학과CARBON2021 Ultrahigh surface area biomass derived 3D hierarchical porous carbon nanosheet electrodes for high energy density supercapacitors7윤성민인문사회경제학부ENERGY ECONOMICS2021 Nonlinear dependence and connectedness between clean/renewable energy sector equity and European emission allowance prices8김기수이공, 의학응용화학공학부Biomaterials Research2021 Recent advances in transdermal drug deliverysystems: a review9황원주이공, 의학의생명융합공학부IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society2021 Survey on 6G Frontiers: Trends, Applications, Requirements, Technologies and Future Research ※ 논문 본문 붙임파일 참조 1. Consumer behavior in social commerce Results from a meta-analysis.pdf 미리보기 2. A time_frequency comovement and causality relationship between Bitcoin hashrate and energy commodity markets.pdf 미리보기 3. Spillovers and connectedness between major precious metals and major currency markets The role of frequency factor.pdf 미리보기 4. Volatility spillovers between strategic commodity futures and stock markets and portfolio implications Evidence from developed and emerging economies.pdf 미리보기 5. Asymmetric spillover and network connectedness between crude oil, gold, and Chinese sector stock markets.pdf 미리보기 6. Ultrahigh surface area biomass derived 3D hierarchical porous carbon nanosheet electrodes for high energy density supercapacitors.pdf 미리보기 7. Nonlinear dependence and connectedness between cleanrenewable energy sector equity and European emission allowance prices.pdf 미리보기 8. Recent advances in transdermal drug delivery systems a review.pdf 미리보기 9. Survey on 6G Frontiers Trends, Applications, Requirements, Technologies and Future Research.pdf 미리보기 2020년도 한마음프라이즈 명예 논문(1~20) 연번성명계열소속등재학술지발행년도논문명1정성욱이공, 의학응용화학공학부SCIENTIFIC REPORTS2020 A systematic study of hexavalent chromium adsorption and removal from aqueous environments using chemically functionalized amorphous and mesoporous silica nanoparticles2이철용인문사회경영학과ENERGIES2020 Stochastic Modeling of the Levelized Cost of Electricity for Solar PV3MOU JIAM인문사회경영학과Journal of Management Science and Engineering2020 A supplier evaluation model based on customer demand in blockchain tracing anti-counterfeiting platform project management4MOU JIAM인문사회경영학과INTERNET RESEARCH2020 International buyers' repurchase intentions in a Chinese cross-border e-commerce platform A valence framework perspective5MOU JIAM인문사회경영학과JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES2020 How does consumers' Perception of Sports Stars' Personal Brand Promote Consumers' brand love? A mediation model of global brand equity6MOU JIAM인문사회경영학과International Journal of Innovation Studies2020 Artificial intelligence innovation in education: A twenty-year data-driven historical analysis7강상훈인문사회경영학과Pacific Basin Finance Journal2020 Do Islamic stocks outperform conventional stock sectors during normal and crisis periods? Extreme co-movements and portfolio management analysis8강상훈인문사회경영학과North American Journal of Economics and Finance2020 Dynamic risk spillovers and portfolio risk management between precious metals and global foreign exchange markets9강상훈인문사회경영학과Pacific Basin Finance Journal2020 Do Islamic indices provide diversification to bitcoin? A time-varying copulas and value at risk application10강상훈인문사회경영학과North American Journal of Economics and Finance2020 Why cryptocurrency markets are inefficient: The impact of liquidity and volatility ※ 논문 본문 붙임 참조 1. A systematic study of hexavalent chromium adsorption and removal from aqueous environments using chemically functionalized amorphous and mesoporous silica nanoparticles.pdf 미리보기 2. Stochastic Modeling of the Levelized Cost of Electricity for Solar PV.pdf 미리보기 3. A supplier evaluation model based on customer demand in blockchain tracing anti-counterfeiting platform project management.pdf 미리보기 4. International buyers repurchase intentions in a Chinese cross-border e-commerce platform A valence framework perspective.pdf 미리보기 5. How does consumers Perception of Sports Stars Personal Brand Promote Consumers brand love A mediation model of global brand equity.pdf 미리보기 6. Artificial intelligence innovation in education A twenty-year data-driven historical analysis.pdf 미리보기 7. Do Islamic stocks outperform conventional stock sectors during normal and crisis periods Extreme co-movements and portfolio management analysis.pdf 미리보기 8. Dynamic risk spillovers and portfolio risk management between precious metals and global foreign exchange markets.pdf 미리보기 9. Do Islamic indices provide diversification to bitcoin A time-varying copulas and value at risk application.pdf 미리보기 10. Why cryptocurrency markets are inefficient The impact of liquidity and volatility.pdf 미리보기 2020년도 한마음프라이즈 명예 논문(11~20) 연번성명계열소속등재학술지발행년도논문명11강상훈인문사회경영학과Resources Policy2020 Characteristics of spillovers between the US stock market and precious metals and oil12강상훈인문사회경영학과Research in International Business and Finance2020 Financial crises and the dynamics of the spillovers between the U.S. and BRICS stock markets13강상훈인문사회경영학과NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICSAND FINANCE2020 High-frequency asymmetric volatility connectedness between Bitcoin and major precious metals markets14강상훈인문사회경영학과PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS2020 Geopolitical risk, uncertainty and Bitcoin investment15강상훈인문사회경영학과RESOURCES POLICY2020 Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on asymmetric multifractality of gold and oil prices16하경자자연과학대기환경과학과GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS2020 Future Changes of Summer Monsoon Characteristics and Evaporative Demand Over Asia in CMIP6 Simulations17김광선자연과학화학과Pharmaceutics2020 Recent advances in nanomaterial-based wound-healing therapeutics18김효정인문사회미디어커뮤니케이션학과INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH2020 Antecedents and Consequences of Information Overload in the COVID-19 Pandemic19윤성민인문사회경제학부ENERGY ECONOMICS2020 Dynamic co-movement between oil and stock markets in oil-importing and oil-exporting countries: Two types of wavelet analysis20김인신인문사회관광컨벤션학과Sustainability (Switzerland)2020 Understanding the eco-friendly role of drone food delivery services: Deepening the theory of planned behavior ※ 논문 본문 붙임 참조 11. Characteristics of spillovers between the US stock market and precious metals and oil.pdf 미리보기 12. Financial crises and the dynamics of the spillovers between the U.S. and BRICS stock markets.pdf 미리보기 13. High-frequency asymmetric volatility connectedness between Bitcoin and major precious metals markets.pdf 미리보기 14. Geopolitical risk, uncertainty and Bitcoin investment.pdf 미리보기 15. Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on asymmetric multifractality of gold and oil prices.pdf 미리보기 16. Future Changes of Summer Monsoon Characteristics and Evaporative Demand Over Asia in CMIP6 Simulations.pdf 미리보기 17. Recent advances in nanomaterial-based wound-healing therapeutics.pdf 미리보기 18. Antecedents and Consequences of Information Overload in the COVID-19 Pandemic.pdf 미리보기 19. Dynamic co-movement between oil and stock markets in oil-importing and oil-exporting countries Two types of wavelet analysis.pdf 미리보기 20. Understanding the eco-friendly role of drone food delivery services Deepening the theory of planned behavior.pdf 미리보기 2020년도 한마음프라이즈 명예 논문(21~30) 연번성명계열소속등재학술지발행년도논문명21김인신인문사회관광컨벤션학과Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management2020 Understanding motivated consumer innovativeness in the context of a robotic restaurant: The moderating role of product knowledge22한동욱이공, 의학나노에너지공학과PHARMACEUTICS2020 State of the Art Biocompatible Gold Nanoparticles for Cancer Theragnosis23김기수이공, 의학응용화학공학부Cancers2020 Hyaluronic acid-based theranostic nanomedicines for targeted cancer therapy24황원주이공, 의학의생명융합공학부IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY2020 Whale Optimization Algorithm With Applications to Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks25황원주이공, 의학의생명융합공학부IEEE ACCESS2020 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic A Survey on the State-of-the-Arts26황원주이공, 의학의생명융합공학부IEEE ACCESS2020 A Survey of Multi-Access Edge Computing in 5G and Beyond: Fundamentals, Technology Integration, and State-of-the-Art27심은정인문사회심리학과BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT2020 Association of depression and anxiety disorder with the risk of mortality in breast cancer: A National Health Insurance Service study in Korea28정혜진인문사회행정학과SCIENTIFIC REPORTS2020 Topological dynamics of the 2015 South Korea MERS-CoV spread-on-contact networks29주성준인문사회심리학과Scientific Reports2020 Controlling for participants’ viewing distance in large-scale, psychophysical online experiments using a virtual chinrest30이인규이공, 의학응용화학공학부Applied Energy2020 Advanced integration of LNG regasification power plant with liquid air energy storage: Enhancements in flexibility, safety, and power generation ※ 논문 본문 붙임 참조 21. Understanding motivated consumer innovativeness in the context of a robotic restaurant The moderating role of product knowledge.pdf 미리보기 22. State of the Art Biocompatible Gold Nanoparticles for Cancer Theragnosis.pdf 미리보기 23. Hyaluronic acid-based theranostic nanomedicines for targeted cancer therapy.pdf 미리보기 24. Whale Optimization Algorithm With Applications to Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks.pdf 미리보기 25. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic A Survey on the State-of-the-Arts.pdf 미리보기 26. A Survey of Multi-Access Edge Computing in 5G and Beyond Fundamentals, Technology Integration, and State-of-the-Art.pdf 미리보기 27. Association of depression and anxiety disorder with the risk of mortality in breast cancer A National Health Insurance Service study in Korea.pdf 미리보기 28. Topological dynamics of the 2015 South Korea MERS-CoV spread-on-contact networks.pdf 미리보기 29. Controlling for participants’ viewing distance in large-scale, psychophysical online experiments using a virtual chinrest.pdf 미리보기 30. Advanced integration of LNG regasification power plant with liquid air energy storage Enhancements in flexibility, safety, and power generation.pdf 미리보기 2019년도 한마음프라이즈 명예 논문(1~20) 연번성명계열소속등재학술지발행년도논문명1이철용인문사회경영학과RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS2019 Willingness to participate in community-based renewable energy projects: A contingent valuation study in South Korea2MOU JIAN인문사회경영학과INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS2019 Impact of product description and involvement on purchase intention in cross-border e-commerce3홍태호인문사회경영학과INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT2019 Examining the relationship between specific negative emotions and the perceived helpfulness of online reviews4엄철준인문사회경영학과Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications2019 Bitcoin and investor sentiment: Statistical characteristics and predictability5신종국인문사회경영학과JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH2019 Attachment styles and electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) adoption on social networking sites6강상훈인문사회경영학과Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money2019 Risk spillovers and hedging effectiveness between major commodities, and Islamic and conventional GCC banks7강상훈인문사회경영학과North American Journal of Economics and Finance2019 Volatility forecasting, downside risk, and diversification benefits of Bitcoin and oil and international commodity markets: A comparative analysis with yellow metal8강상훈인문사회경영학과Pacific Basin Finance Journal2019 Dynamic spillovers and connectedness between stock, commodities, bonds, and VIX markets9강상훈인문사회경영학과Resources Policy2019 Can agricultural and precious metal commodities diversify and hedge extreme downside and upside oil market risk? An extreme quantile approach10강상훈인문사회경영학과Journal of Multinational Financial Management2019 Directional spillover effects between ASEAN and world stock markets11강상훈인문사회경영학과Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications2019 Financial crises and dynamic spillovers among Chinese stock and commodity futures markets12강상훈인문사회경영학과Resources Policy2019 Correlations and volatility spillovers between oil, natural gas, and stock prices in India13강상훈인문사회경영학과NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE2019 Time frequency analysis of the commonalities between Bitcoin and major Cryptocurrencies: Portfolio risk management implications14강상훈인문사회경영학과PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS2019 Time-varying dynamic conditional correlation between stock and cryptocurrency markets using the copula-ADCC-EGARCH model15강상훈인문사회경영학과Energy Economics2019 Exploring the time-frequency connectedness and network among crude oil and agriculture commodities V116강상훈인문사회경영학과PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS2019 The network connectedness of volatility spillovers across global futures markets17강상훈인문사회경영학과PACIFIC-BASIN FINANCE JOURNAL2019 Energy, precious metals, and GCC stock markets: Is there any risk spillover?18강상훈인문사회경영학과FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS2019 Structural breaks and double long memory of cryptocurrency prices: A comparative analysis from Bitcoin and Ethereum19강상훈인문사회경영학과STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS2019 The dynamic relationships among CO2 emissions, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and economic growth in India: Evidence from time-varying Bayesian VAR model20강상훈인문사회경영학과PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS2019 Co-movements between Bitcoin and Gold: A wavelet coherence analysis ※ 논문 본문 붙임 참조 1. Willingness to participate in community-based renewable energy projects A contingent valuation study in South Korea.pdf 미리보기 2. Impact of product description and involvement on purchase intention in cross-border e-commerce.pdf 미리보기 3. Examining the relationship between specific negative emotions and the perceived helpfulness of online reviews.pdf 미리보기 4. Bitcoin and investor sentiment Statistical characteristics and predictability.pdf 미리보기 5. Attachment styles and electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) adoption on social networking sites.pdf 미리보기 6. Risk spillovers and hedging effectiveness between major commodities, and Islamic and conventional GCC banks.pdf 미리보기 7. Volatility forecasting, downside risk, and diversification benefits of Bitcoin and oil and international commodity markets A comparative analysis with yellow metal.pdf 미리보기 8 .Dynamic spillovers and connectedness between stock, commodities, bonds, and VIX markets.pdf 미리보기 9. Can agricultural and precious metal commodities diversify and hedge extreme downside and upside oil market risk An extreme quantile approach.pdf 미리보기 10. Directional spillover effects between ASEAN and world stock markets.pdf 미리보기 11. Financial crises and dynamic spillovers among Chinese stock and commodity futures markets.pdf 미리보기 12. Correlations and volatility spillovers between oil, natural gas, and stock prices in India.pdf 미리보기 13. Time frequency analysis of the commonalities between Bitcoin and major Cryptocurrencies Portfolio risk management implications.pdf 미리보기 14. Time-varying dynamic conditional correlation between stock and cryptocurrency markets using the copula-ADCC-EGARCH model.pdf 미리보기 15. Exploring the time-frequency connectedness and network among crude oil and agriculture commodities V1.pdf 미리보기 17. Energy, precious metals, and GCC stock markets Is there any risk spillover.pdf 미리보기 18. Structural breaks and double long memory of cryptocurrency prices A comparative analysis from Bitcoin and Ethereum.pdf 미리보기 19. The dynamic relationships among CO2 emissions, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and economic growth in India Evidence from time-varying Bayesian VAR model.pdf 미리보기 20. Co-movements between Bitcoin and Gold A wavelet coherence analysis.pdf 미리보기 2019년도 한마음프라이즈 명예 논문(21~40) 연번성명계열소속등재학술지발행년도논문명21강상훈인문사회경영학과NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE2019Network connectedness and net spillover between financial and commodity markets22황재준이공,의학치의학과Imaging Science in Dentistry2019An overview of deep learning in the field of dentistry23김형식이공,의학치의학과INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES2019Current Strategies to Enhance Adipose Stem Cell Function: An Update24김형식이공,의학치의학과STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL2019Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles as Immunomodulatory Therapeutics25윤부현자연과학생명과학과International Journal of Molecular Sciences2019Role of metabolic reprogramming in epithelial?mesenchymal transition (EMT)26윤부현자연과학생명과학과Cells2019Cellular stress responses in radiotherapy27유현덕자연과학화학과ACS ENERGY LETTERS2019Intercalation of Magnesium into a Layered Vanadium Oxide with High Capacity28윤성민인문사회경제학부ECONOMIC MODELLING2019What global economic factors drive emerging Asian stock market returns? Evidence from a dynamic model averaging approach29윤성민인문사회경제학부ENERGY ECONOMICS2019Impact of oil price change on airline's stock price and volatility: Evidence from China and South Korea30윤성민인문사회경제학부FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS2019Intraday downward/upward multifractality and long memory in Bitcoin and Ethereum markets: An asymmetric multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis31김인신인문사회관광컨벤션학과International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health2019Critical success factors of medical tourism: The case of south korea32김인신인문사회관광컨벤션학과SUSTAINABILITY2019Community Empowerment and Sustainable Tourism Development: The Mediating Role of Community Support for Tourism33김인신인문사회관광컨벤션학과JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING2019Travelers' parasocial interactions in online travel communities34김인신인문사회관광컨벤션학과JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING2019The effect of trust on value on travel websites: enhancing well-being and word-of-mouth among the elderly35조채용이공,의학나노에너지공학과ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA2019Enhanced lithium storage by ZnFe2O4 nanofibers as anode materials for lithium-ion battery36조채용이공,의학나노에너지공학과CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL2019Rice-panicle-like gamma-Fe2O3@C nanofibers as high-rate anodes for superior lithium-ion batteries37이진홍이공,의학유기시스템공학과JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE2019Binder-less chemical grafting of SiO2 nanoparticles onto polyethylene separators for lithium-ion batteries38이승걸이공,의학유기시스템공학과APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL2019Surface-loaded metal nanoparticles for peroxymonosulfate activation: Efficiency and mechanism reconnaissance39남재현인문사회사회복지학과MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW2019 Racial and ethnic disparities in access to and use of paid family and medical leave: evidence from four nationally representative datasets40조승빈인문사회심리학과PSYCHOLOGY OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOR2019Positive and Negative Reinforcement Are Differentially Associated With Alcohol Consumption as a Function of Alcohol Dependence ※ 논문 본문 붙임 참조 21. Network connectedness and net spillover between financial and commodity markets.pdf 미리보기 22. An overview of deep learning in the field of dentistry.pdf 미리보기 23. Current Strategies to Enhance Adipose Stem Cell Function An Update.pdf 미리보기 24. Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles as Immunomodulatory Therapeutics.pdf 미리보기 25. Role of metabolic reprogramming in epithelial_mesenchymal transition (EMT).pdf 미리보기 26. Cellular stress responses in radiotherapy.pdf 미리보기 27. Intercalation of Magnesium into a Layered Vanadium Oxide with High Capacity.pdf 미리보기 28. What global economic factors drive emerging Asian stock market returns Evidence from a dynamic model averaging approach.pdf 미리보기 29. Impact of oil price change on airlines stock price and volatility Evidence from China and South Korea.pdf 미리보기 30. Intraday downwardupward multifractality and long memory in Bitcoin and Ethereum markets An asymmetric multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis.pdf 미리보기 31. Critical success factors of medical tourism The case of south korea.pdf 미리보기 32. Community Empowerment and Sustainable Tourism Development The Mediating Role of Community Support for Tourism.pdf 미리보기 33. Travelers parasocial interactions in online travel communities.pdf 미리보기 34. The effect of trust on value on travel websites enhancing well-being and word-of-mouth among the elderly.pdf 미리보기 35. Enhanced lithium storage by ZnFe2O4 nanofibers as anode materials for lithium-ion battery.pdf 미리보기 36. Rice-panicle-like gamma-Fe2O3@C nanofibers as high-rate anodes for superior lithium-ion batteries.pdf 미리보기 37. Binder-less chemical grafting of SiO2 nanoparticles onto polyethylene separators for lithium-ion batteries.pdf 미리보기 38. Surface-loaded metal nanoparticles for peroxymonosulfate activation Efficiency and mechanism reconnaissance.pdf 미리보기 39. Racial and ethnic disparities in access to and use of paid family and medical leave evidence from four nationally representative datasets.pdf 미리보기 40. Positive and Negative Reinforcement Are Differentially Associated With Alcohol Consumption as a Function of Alcohol Dependence.pdf 미리보기 2019년도 한마음프라이즈 명예 논문(41~52) 연번성명계열소속등재학술지발행년도논문명41김석이공,의학응용화학공학부ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA2019 Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of nanostructured Ni-Co-MOF/graphene oxide composites as capacitor electrodes42제정호이공,의학응용화학공학부RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS2019 Recent progress in the thermal and catalytic conversion of lignin43제정호이공,의학응용화학공학부APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL2019 Heteropolyacid supported on Zr-Beta zeolite as an active catalyst for one-pot transformation of furfural to gamma-valerolactone44오정은이공,의학사회환경시스템공학과Science of Total Environment2019 Ocurence and distribution of pharmaceutical and personal care products, artifcial sweteners, and pesticides in groundwater from an agricultural area in Korea45오유관이공,의학의용화학공학부Bioresource Technology2019 High-efficiency cell disruption and astaxanthin recovery from Haematococcus pluvialis cyst cells using room-temperature imidazolium-based ionic liquid/water mixtures46오유관이공,의학의용화학공학부Applied sicences2019 Floculation Harvesting Techniques for Microalgae: A Review47정용철이공,의학의용화학공학부Applied Catalysis B: Enviromental2019 Synergistic effect of metal-organic framework-derived boron and nitrogen heteroatom-doped three-dimensional porous carbons for precious-metal-free catalytic reduction of nitroarenes48정용철이공,의학의용화학공학부Journal of Chemical and Enginering Date2019 Advances, Updates, and Analytics for the Computation-Ready, Experimental Metal-Organic Framework Database: CoRE MOF 201949정용철이공,의학의용화학공학부Molecular Simulation2019 The role of molecular modeling and simulation in the discovery and deployment of metal-organic frameworks for gas storage and separation50정용철이공,의학의용화학공학부ACS Sustainable Chemistry&Enginering2019 Development of a General Evaluation Metric for Rapid Screening of Adsorbent Materials for Postcombustion CO2 Capture51정용철이공,의학의용화학공학부Coordination Chemistry Reviews2019 Elucidation of flexible metal-organic frameworks: Research progresses and recent developments52정용철이공,의학의용화학공학부Journal of Physical Chemistry C2019 Surface Area Determination of Porous Materials Using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET) Method: Limitations and Improvements ※ 논문 본문 붙임 참조 41. Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of nanostructured Ni-Co-MOFgraphene oxide composites as capacitor electrodes.pdf 미리보기 42. Recent progress in the thermal and catalytic conversion of lignin.pdf 미리보기 43. Heteropolyacid supported on Zr-Beta zeolite as an active catalyst for one-pot transformation of furfural to gamma-valerolactone.pdf 미리보기 44. Ocurence and distribution of pharmaceutical and personal care products, artifcial sweteners, and pesticides in groundwater from an agricultural area in Korea.pdf 미리보기 45. High-efficiency cell disruption and astaxanthin recovery from Haematococcus pluvialis cyst cells using room-temperature imidazolium-based ionic liquidwater mixtures.pdf 미리보기 46. Floculation Harvesting Techniques for Microalgae A Review.pdf 미리보기 47. Synergistic effect of metal-organic framework-derived boron and nitrogen heteroatom-doped three-dimensional porous carbons for precious-metal-free catalytic reduction of nitroarenes.pdf 미리보기 48. Advances, Updates, and Analytics for the Computation-Ready, Experimental Metal-Organic Framework Database CoRE MOF 2019.pdf 미리보기 49. The role of molecular modeling and simulation in the discovery and deployment of metal-organic frameworks for gas storage and separation.pdf 미리보기 50. Development of a General Evaluation Metric for Rapid Screening of Adsorbent Materials for Postcombustion CO2 Capture.pdf 미리보기 51. Elucidation of flexible metal-organic frameworks Research progresses.pdf 미리보기 52. Surface Area Determination of Porous Materials Using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET) Method Limitations and Improvements.pdf 미리보기 처음 끝